Lady Tassia was of the opinion that this guy had to be taught a lesson and she did so in a cruel manner. She cruelly trampled the shit out of him and made him cry and beg her for mercy. He did not realize what she was about to do to him and was shocked when she did. The guy was in pain but could not do much about it.
This mistress did not want to deal with anyone who was not consistent. She felt that she had to dominate the guy and she had to teach him a lesson that no one had taught him. The mistress went out of her way to humiliate him and to make sure that he learned his lesson. Things never happened the same way after that as she was not going to accept any nonsense from him.
Mistress Dula was of the opinion that she had to trample this guy. That is why she chose to use her trampling clip to send him a message. She did not want to let him get away with what he did and she chose to make sure that he was in the pain of his life. In addition, he was forbidden from crying and he had to struggle hard not to cry.
Mistress Daria found this guy to be pessimistic and she did not like that. She did not want to deal with such a person and so she used her trampling fetish to get the guy to change and stop being that way. It was super fun of her and she enjoyed it all. But the guy was in pain and humiliated although he saw the light and he changed for the better.
This mistress needed to torture this loser's tongue and she did it with her trampling fetish. She did not care what the guy felt. All she wanted to do and what she did was to trample him and his tongue using her high heels. She had to make sure he placed his tongue on a surface and she crushed it with her tongue. He nearly shit himself as she did so.
Queen Vik needed to trample the shit out of this guy and she did it with her sandals. She did not hesitate to trample him all over and she started from his head and worked her way down to his feet. He was crushed in the nuts and the pain was out of this world but she did not feel any pity for him as he had been very careless.
Goddess Gabriella needed to get away with a mistake she had made and she had to find a suitable way to act and something to do as a distraction. She sat down and thought long and hard about it before she settled on using her high heels to trample the guy. So she did it with her high heels as well as with her bare feet and managed to distract him.
Goddess Leta needed to trample her ex and she did it with her high heels. She was pissed at him for refusing to give her back her stuff which was at his place. She had gathered enough courage to go to his apartment and get her stuff but he did not want to give it to her and she was pissed. She forced him to give it to her by trampling him with her high heels.
This mechanic used shortcuts when repairing goddess Mary's car and she was angry. She did not like that and she had to make sure he undid all he had done and did it all afresh the right way. She was so pissed that she trampled him with her high heels to ensure that he never tried to take shortcuts again after that. He got the message and he never did it again.
Mistress Nika wanted her man to stop gambling and she had to make sure that it happened. He had not heeded her warning to stop and now it was time for her to act. So the mistress forced him to endure pain as she trampled him with her high heel boots. When he wondered why she was doing it, she told him that she was doing it for his own good.