Trampling Clip

Hard and vicious trampling clips

All articles tagged with "Humiliation"

Goddess Leta needed to trample her ex and she did it with her high heels. She was pissed at him for refusing to give her back her stuff which was at his place. She had gathered enough courage to go to his apartment and get her stuff but he did not want to give it to her and she was pissed. She forced him to give it to her by trampling him with her high heels.

This mechanic used shortcuts when repairing goddess Mary's car and she was angry. She did not like that and she had to make sure he undid all he had done and did it all afresh the right way. She was so pissed that she trampled him with her high heels to ensure that he never tried to take shortcuts again after that. He got the message and he never did it again.

Mistress Nika wanted her man to stop gambling and she had to make sure that it happened. He had not heeded her warning to stop and now it was time for her to act. So the mistress forced him to endure pain as she trampled him with her high heel boots. When he wondered why she was doing it, she told him that she was doing it for his own good.

These girls were tenants to this guy. He was their landlord but he liked shortcuts and he did not do things the way they had agreed. That was not ok with them and they had to punish him because they did not want to enable his behavior. That is why they cruelly trampled him with high heels. They did it together for it to be more painful than he expected it to be.

This guy was too mouthy for mistress Gabriella and she did not want that to continue. She had to humiliate him and she chose to do it with her bare feet. The mistress had to degrade him in a way that he would never forget. That is why she stomped and crushed his face so as to pump some sense into his head. It worked the way she wanted it to.

Mistress Dula realized that she was dealing with this loser and she felt that the best way to deal with him was to use her high heels. The mistress cruelly trampled him painfully and she laughed at him as he did his thing. He never wanted her to continue with it but he could not do anything about it as she ignored his pleas and went on torturing him and trampling him.

Lady Layla had given this girl the benefit of doubt and let her do what they had agreed. She trusted her to do the right thing but the girl thought that lady Layla would not do anything to her and so she disappointed her and misled her. The mistress was so pissed that she had to act which she did. It was cruel and she learned her lesson as she trampled her from head to toe while she was almost naked.

Lady Phoenix wanted this guy to learn a lesson that he had never been taught before. That is why she chose to use her trampling fetish to punish him. He was in pain and he was also humiliated. The mistress did not care about what he felt but rather the punishment she administered so that he learned his lesson. She did this as her friend watched and cheered from the couch.

Goddess Andova does not like pretentious people. When she realized that she was dealing with one, she knew it was time to do what she had to do to make it stop. The other alternative was to fire him and she knew he would not survive if she did so. So she used her high heels to painfully trample him and that is how he stopped being pretentious as he did not want to feel that kind of pain again.

This Korean mistress did not like what she had seen from her man. It was a recent trend. He had become condescending and she did not want to excuse that sort of behavior. So she used her trampling fetish to torture him and he learned his lesson as she tortured him. He knew that if he did not stop, he would have himself to blame for what she would do to him.

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