Trampling Clip

Hard and vicious trampling clips

This guy was paid to spy on this mistress and she punished and tortured him painfully when she found out he was doing it. The mistress did not want him to ever do it again and she wanted all information regarding what he was doing. And after she had trampled him as painfully as she was able to and gotten him to cry and beg for mercy, he told her.

Lady Karame had paid this contractor to do some work for her but she did not like the sort of work he had done. The mistress was so pissed at him that she used her sneakers to trample him. She had asked him to redo the work but he said he needed more money. So she trampled him and told him he was not getting a dime. After the trampling, he did it without being given any money.

Mistress Cat wanted to enjoy herself because she had a lot of free time on her hands. She had to make it spicy so she played a damsel in distress and used it to humiliate and torture this guy. She trampled him and she did so with her high heels after he had tried to come to her aid. She used a scapegoat to do it and it was a lot of fun.

Mistress Lilly wanted to try her hand at different fetishes. So she settled for trampling fetish for a start. She wore her sneakers and she used them to trample this guy she identified for her first session. It was a good experience for her and it even counted as exercise and she had fun although the same cannot be said of the loser she was trampling. He was in pain and humiliated.

This loser regretted messing with mistress Lana and Joanne. He was used to doing it and getting away with it but not today. His luck ran out and the mistresses taught him a lesson no one had ever taught him before. He was stripped naked and then forced to endure painful trampling. The mistresses also rode him like a human pony and did other painful things to him until they were satisfied he had learned his lesson.

Princess Serena trusted her accountant to do the right thing but she was pissed when she found out that he did his own things and he tried to cut corners all the time. The mistress used her trampling fetish to punish him and make sure he corrected all the mistakes he had made and that he would never make that mistake again. She used heels and bare feet to do it.

Mistress Gaia had employed this guy as her personal security official. She did not like how he conducted himself and she had to make sure he changed. She felt he was incompetent and she punished him for that incompetence. She used her high heels to trample him. And when her friend caught her doing it, she asked her to join in and the two of them tortured him using their feet.

Goddess Chanel proved that this guy was lying to her and she had to make sure he stopped lying to her. She had to punish him cruelly and she chose to use trampling as her method of choice. The mistress trampled him and she did it with the help of her friend so that he would not disturb her. He was in a lot of pain but he learned never to lie again.

These mistresses are cunning and they like to have their cake and eat it. They tricked these guys to join them in having fun and they gladly did. But the mistress knew the game well and they knew the guys could not beat them. So the mistresses won and the guys lost so they trampled the guys for fun and enjoyed how the guys tried their best not to cry or scream so as not to look like sissies.

Lady Stefanie felt that she was not given the respect she deserved by this loser. She did want to allow herself to bargain for it or to let the disrespect continue. She plotted to make the guy have a rethink by using her high heels to trample his hands. She did not bother trampling any other part of his body. His hands were enough to make him realize who he was messing with.

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